This article will show you the location of common files in site manager.
PHP Configuration File (php.ini):
This is the configuration file for PHP on your entire account. Any time you make a change in this file, you will need to restart the account for the changes to take effect. You can do so in site manager -> Restart Account. If you do not need a certain configuration to be account-wide, please utilize a local .htaccess file to enable it for a specific directory.
MySQL config:
Apache Web Server config:
the configuration file for your Web Server (Apache). Be sure to restart the account for any changes to take effect. You can do so in site manager -> Restart Account.
SSL config:
This is only for private SSLs, not the SharedSSL tool.
(Comment from Nate: I just moved the locations a bit.)
SSL certificate files:
locations where OpenSSL sets up your SSL certificate, this is not for the SharedSSL tool.
SSL Key: /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key
SSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR): /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.csr/server.csr
SSL Certificate (CRT): /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
Miva config:
File Manager:
Uebimiau config:
This configuration file is only needed if you have Uebimiau installed through Site Manager.
AWStats config:
PHP Apache config:
Apache logs:
Each request on your website shows in access_log and Apache 500, 403, and 404 errors appear in error_log
Mail log:
a file that keeps the mail transactions for the day when this log is enabled. Please contact Support if you need help enabling this log.