After registering a domain, the email that you used when filling out the WHOIS information will now be visible to anyone who looks for information about your website.
Unfortunately, spammers use this public information to send unsolicited emails. This can increase the number of spam emails you receive from the email associated with your domain.
If you wish to protect your email address from public attention, you have the option to purchase a private domain when checking out.
You will receive a verification email during the final step to register your domain. This should arrive immediately after checking out and will include a link to verify your email address. Be aware that a common scam is to send a similar-looking email in an attempt to obtain personal information from you. Do not enter any personal information, especially payment information through any link received from an email address you do not trust.
If you are not sure if an email is legitimate, please feel free to contact our support team.
No worries, Our experts are here to help.