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How to Save Emails To Your Personal Computer

You can conserve resources on your website by saving old email to your personal or local computer. Follow the steps below to save the contents of your mailbox to your computer:

Step One: Login To Your Webmail Inbox

login to your email account. This can be done by going to the URL: https://chimail.westhost.comYou will log in using your email account as the username and the email account password for the password. Once you have logged in you will be able to see all of your emails within your account.

Step Two: Download Your Emails As An .eml File

find the email within your inbox that you want to download. You will then click on the box to the left of the email until a check mark fills the box.


Once you have checked the box you will then click on the more tab. You will then be able to find the download (.eml) file. Click on that and the email will download onto your personal computer. 

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