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How To Resolve A Suspended Or Hacked Account

WestHost carries out routine checks on accounts to make sure they have not been hacked. Occasionally we need to suspend accounts to protect our servers and customers from spam or other malicious interactions. This article will show you the step-by-step process to get your account reinstated if this happens to you.

If your account has been suspended, visitors to your website will see the following message:

Within CHI, you will see the following message:

To resolve this issue, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Navigate To The Account Section Of CHI

  1. Navigate to

  2. Sign in with your username and password.

  3. Click on the “Account” tab.


4.   This page will display the various services that you have on your account. You will see a blue button under the service that has been suspended - as seen in the image below:


5.    Click on the button to see the reason for cancellation.

A detailed breakdown of possible cancellation reasons can be found in this article.

Step 2: Create A Support Ticket In CHI

  1. Navigate to the “Support” tab within your CHI account.



      2. Select the “Open New Ticket” button.



       3. Fill out a support ticket. Include the following information:


    1. The affected domain name

    2. The cancellation reason

    3. Any other pertinent information

       4. Click “Send Ticket” to submit a ticket regarding your cancellation.

At this point, all hacked accounts must be checked by a system administrator. Once the hack has been stopped, your account will be reinstated and you will have access to your website. Depending on the nature of the problem, the solution will be different. For example: If your email account has been hacked and is sending spam, you may need to change the account password. For other solutions to prevent or resolve hacks, please read this article.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our technical support team by opening a chat or submitting a ticket within your CHI account. 

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