When contacting WestHost, you will need to verify that you are the owner of the account you are trying to edit. The best and easiest way is with the telephone support personal identification number (PIN) from inside your CHI account at chi.westhost.com.
You can find your unique support PIN by following the steps below:
Log into your CHI account with your username and password. Click on the ‘Support’ option in your account menu in the top right-hand corner of the page.
You can find your support PIN on the right-hand side located below our department opening times, in blue text as seen below.
If at any time you would like to change your PIN so that it is easier for you to remember, you can use the ‘Change’ link to the right of your PIN.
WestHost Billing, Sales, and Support teams will ask you for your PIN when asking for account-specific information or if you are requesting any changes be made to your account during a phone call, live chat, or email ticket.
No worries, Our experts are here to help.