One more reason to choose WestHost!
Here at WestHost we have great support team that is dedicated to the success of our clients. Our ongoing commitment to excellence includes these key values we are aiming for:
- Establishing consistency amongst our staff
- Demonstrating our commitment to our clients
- Distancing ourselves from our competition
These key values are at the core of what makes WestHost a leader in the hosting industry.
There are not only great people that work here but we have fun working together. Working in a positive work environment helps us help you. As a client you have the benefit of working with someone that enjoys what they are doing and has a good attitude. At WestHost you will find people that enjoy their job and have a great attitude.
Each department has goals for initial pickup, response time, and resolve time. Each of these goals helps us strive to help our client in the most effective way possible. We are not just looking to be as efficient as we possibly can but we also set goals to effectively resolve the issue. Resolving the issue and helping the client as quickly as possible is one of our top priorities. These performance metrics challenge us as employees to deliver the best possible service to each client. Being able to reach us by phone, live chat, and a ticketing system provides you with a choice in how you would like us to answer your questions. You can reach us 24/7/365. When you contact WestHost you will have peace of mind being able to work with a friendly Logan, UT resident.
I have personally really enjoyed working at WestHost and have been impressed with the importance that WestHost places on client service. We really want to make sure our clients are taken care of and that we can build a long lasting relationship. You can rest assured that WestHost will be providing a high level of client service for years to come. With the help of our dedicated staff and partnering with our clients you can always “expect more from your Web host.”